The restriction makes no sense. Dogs and cats aren’t (overly) restricted and personally I’d rather have chickens around than either of those. I can see a no roosters rule as a restriction, as not all people like the noise (but I don’t mind)…
Good healthy organic free range eggs are very much needed. for good healthy living.
They make no more noise than my neighbours’ lawn mowers or dogs. So what’s the problem? And they’re environmentally positive. Their droppings will fertilize the small wooded area in my backyard and they won’t be any more smelly than my dog’s droppings.
If people want to raise chickens for eggs, they should be able to do so as long as the conditions are humane and there is enough room so that their neighbours are not affected.
Chickens are no noisier than dogs. Or pianos.
Property owners should be allowed to have whatever they want within reason for personal use.
Responsible people always do the right thing in any situation.
For the same reasons that the prohibition on raising chickens was changed in New York, etc.
It is an opportunity to have control over the purity of the food chain and save money. Good for the environment.I would love to have a few backyard chickens of my own, not for commercial reasons, but just to serve my family’s needs. My daughter lives in Guelph and it is one of the joys of visiting there to see all her neighbours chickens in downtown Guelph! I live in the town of Almonte.
Certainly not more problems then having a dog or a cat. Cat can come and do there business on your yard or in the garden. Someone who as high sanitary standards can certainly have a few girls in there backyard.
I am in favour of giving citizens the right to produce their own food and to reduce dependence on corporate agriculture. Plus, free-range eggs are just better food. Real food.The Good Neighbour Policy states that “you can do anything that you wish on your property providing that; You do nothing to impinge on your neighbours peace and enjoyment of their property. You do nothing to devaluate your neighbour’s property. You do nothing to harm the environment.
provide local food, provide business to our feed stores, recycle wet kitchen scraps,
Keeping backyard chickens has health and environmental benefits with few negative impacts on the neighborhood. I see no reason for it to be prohibited.
Fresh eggs soo much better, get poor eat chicken, win win
Raising chickens is easy and creates more options for organic foods. It also it provides more business for local business (butcher, seed, etc)
The hamlets in particular are rural and should not be constrained in the current way. Also, I would like to keep chickens for my own use.
I would like to produce as much of my own food as possible. With a small yard in town this is very difficult to keep anything but a small garden. There is room however for a small chicken coop to raise a few birds. I also think that this would help foster a sense of community, by sharing eggs (which are produced faster that you can eat them, unless you are a big family) as well as increase awareness about sustainable food practices. -thanks for running this survey!-
We need to start accepting the fact that in order to be environmentally friendly our world might just include a little more animal noise. Our food travels from far, isn’t often fresh and with local agriculture, and backyard farming, we can reclaim our right to produce our own food. If the ban was lifted, and the chickens regulated, we would be able to ensure a safe and clean environment for our families and neighbours, plus fresh eggs for all your culinary needs.
Free-roaming, locally-raised, humanely treated chickens are better for our health and the environment. We need to stop torturing animals in the name of the FOOD industry.
because we have illegal chickens and would like to keep them.
Fresh local eggs. Yum Harmless. Great for kids
We must begin to rely on ourselves as much as possible. The current govt. is abandoning responsiblity for its citizens. This is one POSITIVE way we can comply.Antibiotic-free eggs learning experience for children
I would like to be able to provide antibiotic-free, cruelty-free eggs to my family. I would like to be more self-sufficient in providing my family with food. I would like the cost-savings of being able to produce high quality eggs myself, as opposed to buying them.
Chickens and vegetable gardens are a way of re-localizing our food supply and as such should be encouraged as a way of breaking our complete dependence on industrial food corporations.