It has been a pretty exciting week! On Wednesday, my friend & I were on our way to Mill of Kintail for a hike, and I spotted a group of 5 Sandhill Cranes in a field on Bennies Corners Road. We pulled over to snap some photos.
The next day, I went to see if they were there, and they were in the area. So I managed to capture a few more shots. They flew off at one point with a huge crowd of Canadian Geese and it turns out there was a Juvenile Bald Eagle near. Obviously they were spooked by the big raptor. Unfortunately I didn’t capture the eagle on camera. Another person that was there managed to snap a photograph of the eagle, thus confirming the reason for the ruckus.
Also this week, the Purple finches, Chickadees & Red-breasted Nuthatches have begun to frequent my feeder.
Please enjoy my Crane Photographs as well as the other ones I captured this week.
Have a wonderful week of Feathers, Wings and Beaks.