Ria Ralph sends along this lovely note:
My 8-year-old grandson, Crosby Geddes, was learning the proper way to write letters with his online class at Hopewell Public School. His teacher asked everyone to write a thank you letter to front line workers. Since his grandfather, Paul Ralph of Almonte, had been in the ICU at Queensway Carleton Hospital since November 11, Crosby decided to write his thank you to the ICU team. Crosby asked my daughter Jill what to write, She said, “Just write from your heart”.
Paul came home on May 20th and is doing well.
This is Crosby’s letter:
Dear Nurses and Doctors at the Queensway Carleton Hospital,
Thank you so much for helping everyone with diseases and especially people with the coronavirus. My grandpa is at your hospital. He has been there since November 11th with pancreatitis. He has been very, very sick and now he is way better than when he was first there. I used to visit him a lot but now no one is allowed to visit anymore, not even my grandma.
We know that you Doctors and Nurses are helping my grandpa a lot so here at home we feel more comfortable. Thank you so so s000 much for helping everybody who has a disease. You guys must be very brave, putting your lives at risk for others.
I hope this letter brightens up your day because you make my day happier by helping everyone who has the coronavirus and helping my grandpa because everyone knows that when you help other people you’re actually helping us too. So thank you so much again for helping us! Sincerely,
P.S. My grandpa’s name is Paul Ralph and he was in the ICU and now he is out of the ICU!