Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Bigfoot says Canada is a good place to live

Reflections from the Swamp Dear Reader We are on...

Answers to Diana’s Quiz – January 18, 2025

by Diana Filer 1.  Besides the 4 political...
LivingHealthA New and Easier Way to Apply CPR

A New and Easier Way to Apply CPR

Reader Ted Legg sent this video and article to the Millstone. He indicated that the CPR method shown in the video has been approved by Ottawa’s paramedics

This most interesting video is about a new and easier way to apply CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).   It is NOT like the assisted mouth-to-mouth breathing/chest pumping method previously recommended … and it’s much easier to perform.  One never knows when we’ll see someone collapse suddenly.  This easier and better method of CPR might just help save a life.

This video was put together by the doctors who invented this new CPR procedure at the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center.  THIS IS FOR EVERYBODY!!!

Please watch the video – and then share.   This short video not only demonstrates what and how to perform the new CPR method but it also gives the simplest explanation of exactly what to do if someone near you collapses and is presumably having a heart attack.  You could very well save the life of a friend or a loved one.  And who knows, maybe the person with whom you shared this video might, in turn, save your life!





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