Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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LivingHealthAccreditation – a quality improvement opportunity for AGH

Accreditation – a quality improvement opportunity for AGH

Mary-Wilson-Trider4by Mary Wilson Trider

From October 27 to 29, three surveyors from Accreditation Canada will be visiting Almonte General Hospital and Fairview Manor (AGH/FVM).

Accreditation is a voluntary process that provides health care organizations with an external peer review based on standards of excellence.

It is administered by Accreditation Canada, an independent, not-for-profit organization that has been working with health service organizations across Canada and around the world since 1958.

Accreditation standards assess governance, risk management, leadership, infection prevention and medication management, as well as services delivered across the organization.

Patient safety is an integral component of the Accreditation program.

As a member of Accreditation Canada, the Board of Directors, staff and physicians are pleased to have this opportunity to learn how to improve what we are doing in order to provide the best possible care and service to our patients and residents.

We are also pleased to have an opportunity to showcase the things we are proud of, such as our renovated Central Sterile Reprocessing department, funded entirely by donations from the community, our excellent patient satisfaction results, beautiful facilities and patient safety initiatives.

Under the guidance of Rachel Ozer and Susan Blakeney, who have shared the role of Accreditation Lead, the staff and physicians have worked very hard to prepare for the upcoming survey. I thank them all for their dedication and commitment – and for their strong desire to individually and collectively do their best to represent the organization we are all proud of.

Patricia Somers, Cathie Badeau and Annette Snow will be the Accreditation Canada surveyors. They are experienced health care professionals who have received in-depth training on standards and quality improvement.

In addition to speaking with staff, physicians and volunteers, they will be approaching some of our patients, residents, families and visitors to ask about their experiences at the Hospital and Manor. We encourage everyone to participate, but no one is obligated to do so.

During the survey it will be “business as usual” here at AGH/FVM. Please join us in welcoming our visitors from Accreditation Canada as we continue our quality journey.

Mary Wilson Trider is President and CEO of Almonte General Hospital and Fairview Manor.




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