Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Diana’s Quiz – October 5, 2024

by Diana Fiier 1.  Which waterway circumvents Niagara...

delve – In close conversation with Kim Kilpatrick 

Thursday, October 24, 2024 6:30 p.m. at Equator...

Art show opening in CP this week: “Storytime” at The Art Hub

There's a different offering at The Art...

John Dunn's Stories


The Greatest Game on Earth: a John Dunn story

The day after Christmas the thermometer took the deep plunge, reaching well below freezing. Since it was a holiday, though bitterly cold, townspeople remained indoors, and the streets were...

Shock Treatment: a John Dunn story

Doctor Metcalfe’s years of medical practice convinced him that man was like a horse, and his experience with both convinced him that regular habits should be the rule of...

Writing a Letter: a John Dunn story

Almonte, 21 July 2002 Dear Florence, How many years is it since you and I would be setting off for school each morning? And measuring our height against the kitchen door...

The Huppmobile

by John Dunn The telephone rang while we were at the breakfast table. My father got up from his place and went to the inside...

Is the doctor in? – A John Dunn story

by John Dunn written February 10, 1999 As an introductory note, the doctor's house referred to in the first sentence is the imposing stone house at...

Christmas story – The Doctor and a horse called Frank

submitted by Michael Dunn. Written by his father, John Dunn. John Dunn's father was Dr. J F Dunn. In those days, the doctor kept both an...