1. What is a bandicoot?
2. What was the Leviathan?
3. Who sculpted the statue of David in Florence, Italy?
4, How many indigenous languages are spoken in Canada?
5. How high is...
The Province of Alberta is free of rats, meaning that there is no resident population. If rats do appear, they are isolated and eradicated through proven control methods.
What area of Canada is rat-free?
What cooking staple was created in Canada?
Which country is the world's biggest oil producer?
Who were the flag bearers for Canada...
Where in the world was the highest outdoor temperature recorded?
The weaver, honeypot and pharaoh are examples of what?
What is the meaning of Sinn Fein...
Craigellachie, British Columbia
The Galilean moons of Jupiter, discovered by Galileo in 1610
The innermost arm of the Milky Way galaxy
Norman Mailer
Where was the ''last spike'' driven to complete the cross-Canada linkd of the Canadian Pacific Railroad?
What are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto?
Where is Norma Arm?
According to most sources Lumbini, in present-day Nepal,
A thousand of something, especially a thousand years (and no, not the next Olympics in Santiago!)
What is the name of Canada's newestprovince?
Where is the birthplace pf Buddha?
What is a chiliad?
To what does the slogan ""fifty-fourfortyfight'', refer?
What is...
The Eiffel Towel
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Wayne Gretzky, with 894. Second most: Gordie Howe
The Walther PPK
The clarinet
1.The Fantasticks, which ran off Broadway for 17,162 shows over 42 years
2. It is the phonetic translation of ''quelque chose''
3. Feist
4. Nanisivik, Nunavut
5. Howard Engel of Toronto
1. What is the longest running English language musical?
2. From what French phrase does the word ''kickshaw'', meaning ''delicacy'' or ''trinket'' derive?
3. Who won...
1. The vermin-ridden, graffitti-sprayed Hans Brinker Budget Hotel in Amsterdam, Holland
2. A manuscript that has been written over the top of an earlier writing,...
South America, formerly Dutch Guiana.
Fred Wah
the 13th day of most months, originallly thought to have been the day of the full moon. In only...