Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Bigfoot says Canada is a good place to live

Reflections from the Swamp Dear Reader We are on...

Answers to Diana’s Quiz – January 18, 2025

by Diana Filer 1.  Besides the 4 political...

Backyard Birds


Backyard birds, the AI version

by Brent Eades Some readers may know that I do an occasional feature called 'Backyard Birds,' which is just what it sounds like -- photos of birds in my backyard....

Backyard Birds: February 6 2021

by Brent Eades Another in my occasional series of bird photos from my yard. Given I've been working at home for almost a year now, I have many more chances...

Backyard birds, December 16 2020

by Brent Eades One benefit of the strangeness of 2020 is that I've been working from home since last March -- which means I have many more opportunities to photograph...

Backyard birds, March 23 2020

by Brent Eades I knew there had to be bright sides to being stuck in the house indefinitely, teleworking -- one is that I'm home...

Backyard birds, January 5 2020

by Brent Eades After taking a hiatus from this column for a year or two I thought I'd restart it. The premise is pretty simple: these...

Backyard birds, December 27

by Brent Eades I fill my feeders only in the winter months, when the birds can use some help finding food -- especially during a...

Blue Jays really do prefer peanuts

by Brent Eades I've noticed over the years of watching my backyard feeders that Blue Jays really, really like peanuts. Today I happened to record this...

Invasion of the Pine Siskins

by Brent Eades The Pine Siskin is a small, streaked finch that you may or may not see in your yard in a given year....

Backyard Birds – December 2014

by Brent Eades For the past couple of years I've posted occasional photos of winter visitors to my yard here in Almonte. Here are a...

Backyard birds, May 7 2014

by Brent Eades As is usual at this time of year, my yard is in transition. The Goldfinches that were around most of the winter,...

Backyard birds, April 27 2014

by Brent Eades It has been a while since my last post. This is in part because there haven't been a lot of new birds...

Backyard birds, March 23 2014

by Brent Eades So it's spring, 15 cm of snow yesterday notwithstanding. I've had one new spring bird since my last post, a Grackle who...

Backyard birds, March 14

by Brent Eades It has been a busy few weeks at the office, and I haven't been taking as many backyard photos as usual. I've...

Backyard birds, February 17

by Brent Eades The Great Backyard Bird Count is underway once again. I spent a few hours watching my yard on Saturday and ended up...

Backyard birds: February 1 2014

by Brent Eades I must admit I haven't been paying my yard enough attention lately what with the unprecedented irruption of Snowy Owls, and quite...

Lanark birds on Facebook

by Brent Eades Here's something I've been remiss in not mentioning in the course of my birding posts in the Millstone: the fact that Lanark...

Snowy Owls again

by Brent Eades I spotted three Snowy Owls today on Highway 15 between Almonte and CP. Here are some shots of a juvenile female, near...