Friday, January 17, 2025
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For Sale: Pacsafe EXP45 Anti-Theft Carry-on Travel Pack

Value new - $350. Used once. Selling for...

Judy MacDonald — obituary

MacDonald, Judy (nee LeClaire) Of Almonte, Ontario, in...

Green Talk


Ten Years of Environmental Destruction in Ontario: Plastic Pollution

Looking Back in Despair (Part 5) by Theresa Peluso So far, in this series Looking Back in Despair, I have explained how, over the last 10 years, the environmental situation in...

Ten years of environmental destruction in Ontario: Soil pollution

Looking Back in Despair (Part 4) by Theresa Peluso All things are bound together. All things connect.                              -   Chief Seattle, Duwamish Connector of lives Indeed, everything connects to everything else.  In exploring the...

Ten Years of Environmental Destruction in Ontario (Part 3)

Looking Back in Despair: Ten Years of Environmental Destruction in Ontario Air  Pollution: How Much Air Is There? by Theresa Peluso Air is all around us, seemingly infinite, and the most precious resource...

Ten Years of Environmental Destruction in Ontario (part 2)

 Looking Back in Despair: Water pollution in Ontario in the last 10 years by Theresa Peluso Continuing my review of environmental destruction in Ontario, here is...

Looking Back: Ten Years of Environmental Destruction in Ontario

By Theresa Peluso For several years now, as their detailed studies pile up, thousands of expert environmental scientists are imploring governments everywhere to stop their...

Mammals and their role in the web of life: Part 2

Part 2:  The current state of wild mammals and how to remediate it By Theresa Peluso Because there’s so much to say about the topic of...

Mammals (non-homo sapiens) and their role in the web of life

Part 1:  Where we all began By Theresa Peluso Being mammals ourselves, we perhaps identify more closely with other mammals than with any other class of...

Birds and their role in the web of life

By Theresa Peluso Just about everyone likes birds. What wild creature is more accessible to our eyes and ears, as close to us and everyone in...

Arachnids and their role in the web of life

by Theresa Peluso People generally seem to dislike arachnids.  And yet spiders, like Charlotte in Charlotte’s Web (by E.B. White) are renowned for their industriousness,...

Reptiles and their role in the web of life – what if they disappeared?

by Theresa Peluso, with valuable input from Dr. Fred Schueler* What class of animal has existed for more than 310 million years, but is now...

Amphibians and their role in the web of life

Amphibians and their role in the web of life – what if they disappeared? by Theresa Peluso Frogs, toads and salamanders. How many of us, as...

Are freshwater fish at risk?

by Theresa Peluso Why are freshwater fish important – and are they at risk? I would like to preface this column with an account written by...

Web of Life: Marine Fish

by Theresa Peluso Genesis 1:20-21 - Then God said, Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth...

Web of Life:  Which matters more, humans or insects?

by Theresa Peluso What would our planet look like if humans vanished from the face of the earth? Could the rest of nature survive without...

Humans:  One Thread in the Web of Life

by Theresa Peluso Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we...

Water, water everywhere? Or plastic, plastic everywhere?

Part 2:  Bags and bottles by Theresa Peluso In Part 1 of this topic on how plastic is polluting our rivers, lakes and oceans, I gave...

Water, water everywhere? Or Plastic, plastic everywhere?

Part 1:  the big picture by Theresa Peluso Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1798 This stanza...