Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Annual General Meeting
It’s a tradition for the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust to hosts fascinating speakers at its Annual General Meeting. On March 31st the talk will be a little unusual for the Land Trust and a very special treat for attendees.
Mike Daniels, Head of Policy and Land Management at the John Muir Trust will join us via ZOOM to present: John Muir’s legacy in the land of his birth – The John Muir Trust, wildland, communities and conservation in Scotland from his home in Scotland.
During his presentation, Mike will explain how conservation charities (non-profits) manage land for wildness and wildlife in Scotland. He will explore the challenges posed by concentrated private land ownership; the legacy of Victorian hunting estates; over-tourism and large scale wind farms in a wild landscape shaped by the continual influence of man. The opportunities posed by land reform and community ownership; natural carbon capture and increasing public concern about intensive hunting systems offer hope for the future.
Although Scotland is far from home, the conservation challenges faced by an organization with similar objectives to ours but in a very different landscape will, I’m sure, be of interest to all of us. And the photos that Mike will present of their unique properties, many in the Highlands, will amaze us as well.
John Muir Presentation will begin at 7:00 PM followed by MMLT’s Annual General Meeting at 8 PM.
Register for the Presentation via ZOOM: https://mmlt.ca/event/john-muirs-legacy-in-the-land-of-his-birth-the-john-muir-trust-wild-land-communities-and-conservation-in-scotland/
MMLT Members in good standing receive complimentary registration by contacting admin@mmlt.ca
For additional information about membership please visit: https://mmlt.ca/support-us/become-a-member/