Submission Guidelines

All submissions should be emailed to There is no charge for any submission, including classified ads.

Please do NOT send ads or flyers meant for printing on paper.

  • Most items designed for printing and posting on 8.5 x 11 paper don’t work for us. 
  • Send your item in PLAIN-TEXT OR MS WORD FORMAT, and attach any related images to your email. 

Also, NO PDF files. They don’t work for us either.

Submissions Policy

We are a non-profit and volunteer-run newspaper for the people of Mississippi Mills, Ontario. We accept submissions of relevance and interest to our community, under the following terms:

  • We appreciate all submissions but do not guarantee that all will be printed.
  • All submissions are subject to editing at the editors’ discretion, for reasons of space, style and grammar.
  • If you submit photos, ensure you have the permission of all identifiable individuals in any photo.
  • All submissions must be original and must not infringe the copyright of any third party. The copyright in all submissions to the Millstone remains with the author.
  • The Millstone reserves the right to verify the identity of any person submitting articles, opinions or letters to the editor.

All contributions must be accompanied by the name, telephone number, street address and e-mail address of the contributor. Only the name of the contributor will be published. Other personal information will be retained by the Millstone in order to communicate with the contributor and will be deleted within two years of the last contact.

By submitting to the Millstone, you give The Millstone permission to publish the submission in any medium in which The Millstone may be published. This permission shall continue until you ask us to take the submission off the website.  We do not accept defamatory or obscene submissions. If you submit photos, please make sure that you have the permission for publication in the Millstone of all identifiable individuals in any photo. All submissions must be original and must not infringe the copyright of any third party. The copyright in all submissions to the Millstone remains with the author.

Response times

As a non-profit, volunteer-run newspaper with no paid staff and no advertising revenue, we are not always able to respond to every email we receive on the day it’s sent, or on the next day either depending how many we have to get through. If you don’t hear back from us right away, please be patient.

On the other hand, emails do sometimes go missing or end up in the ‘Spam’ folder. If you don’t hear back after a couple of days please do send a reminder.

Editors and contributors

Publisher: Edith Cody-Rice
Editor in Chief: Brent Eades
Contributing Editor: Edith Cody-Rice
Food Editor: Gay Cook

Read an CBC on-line report on the founding of The Millstone