Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Region Moving to Red – Control Level
Today the government of Ontario announced that the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark region will move from the Yellow-Protect level to the Red-Control level of the Keeping Ontario Safe and Open COVID-19 Framework.
The move to the Red-Control level means that strengthened public health measures will come into effect in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark on Monday, March 22, at 12:01 a.m. The additional measures include all restrictions currently imposed under the Yellow – Protect level and additional restrictions. Additional restrictions include:
- Limits of 5 people indoors and 25 people outdoors for all organized public events and social gatherings, where physical distancing can be maintained
- Limits for fitness facilities, where physical distancing can be maintained, of 10 people in indoor areas with weights and exercise machines; 10 people in all indoor classes, or 25 people in outdoor classes
- Bars and restaurants must close by 10 p.m., with liquor sold or served only between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- 10-person indoor capacity limit for restaurants and bars, with no more than four seated together
- Team sports must not be practiced or played except for training (no games or scrimmage); no contact permitted for team or individual sports
- Capacity limits of 75% for supermarkets and other stores that primarily sell groceries, convenience stores, pharmacies and 50% for all other retail, including, but not limited to discount and big box retailers, liquor stores, hardware stores and garden centres
- No personal care services that require the removal of face coverings
- Many businesses/organizations/facilities must actively screen patrons in accordance with instructions issued by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Full details of the limitations and restrictions for the Red – Control Level can be found on the Health Unit’s website: https://healthunit.org/health-information/covid-19/business-re-opening/framework/.