Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Answers to Diana’s Quiz – February 15, 2025

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LivingHealthCurling Club donates $3,000 to AGH

Curling Club donates $3,000 to AGH

Almonte Curling Club puts its members ‘in the picture’ for local health care

Left to right: Rob Scott, Chair, AGHF; Ian MacLellan, ACC Almonte Cup Co-ordinator; Steve Conlon, President, ACC; Art McKay, Past President, ACC

The Almonte Curling Club (ACC) was pleased to use its annual Almonte Cup Challenge to support the Almonte General Hospital with its ‘Put Yourself in the Picture’ campaign.  The Almonte Cup brings together club members in red and blue teams to play a variety of curling games for club bragging rights.

Left to right: Rob Scott, Chair, AGHF; Ian MacLellan, ACC Almonte Cup Co-ordinator

Through registration fees, auctions and a call for donations, ACC members contributed $3,000 to the Hospital’s important initiative to bring state-of-the art diagnostic imaging to the Almonte General Hospital including at CT scan.

“As a curling club member, I was really pleased to see everyone get behind this year’s bonspiel and raise some money for quality health care close to home,” said Rob Scott, Chair of the Almonte General Hospital Fairview Manor Foundation.  “I especially want to thank Club President Steve Conlon, Past President Art McKay, and Almonte Cup Co-ordinator Ian MacLellan and his team for putting together such a fun, fundraiser.  Thanks also to all of the participants who got swept up in the excitement and made it a success.”

The Almonte Curling Club is proud to be part of the same caring community as the Almonte General Hospital.




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