An Almonte Celtfest 2012 fund-raiser, The McGee Band and Prof. David Wilson presents a superb show that uniquely combines powerful emotion, creativity in music and words, and brings to life a compelling chapter of the history of Canada as an emerging nation. Please mark the date, and come and experience the acoustically superb Almonte Old Town Hall, Sunday, November 6th at 2 pm for this musical and literary event extraordinaire.
The recipient of the University of Toronto’s Outstanding Teaching Award, and a Professor in the Celtic Studies Program and History Department at the University of Toronto, David A. Wilson has completed a two-volume biography of Thomas D’Arcy McGee, the brilliant Irish Canadian politician and Father of Confederation who was assassinated in 1868 at the age of forty-two. The first volume won two major awards; Volume 2 has been described in an advance review as