by Edith Cody-Rice
This is an update on Freedom of Information Requests concerning the Enerdu project in Almonte. As you will recall, Enerdu, which owns the Old Flour Mill on Ottawa Street, is planning to add a generator to one operating at that site and to hoe ram out a substantial portion of the riverbed at the Mississippi River upper falls in Almonte in order to create a headpond. Enerdu proposes to add a dam at the upper falls with the object of increasing power generation and income.
The Millstone has made freedom of information requests to the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Town of Mississippi Mills concerning this project. The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority released some documents but withheld the draft environmental report. The Millstone has filed an appeal with the Information Commissioner concerning the withheld documentation. Fisheries and Oceans Canada claimed a 90 day extension pursuant to the legislation. That 90 day period which has now expired. The Millstone will follow up on this delay.
The Millstone requested a waiver of the fee of $655 that the Ministry of Natural Resources demanded to collect and release documentation. The Millstone appealed that fee. The fee waiver was denied by the Ministry but, pursuant to the appeal, it did reduce the fee to $282, which the Millstone paid. We have recently received a CD containing documents from the Ministry of Natural Resources. There are approximately 1000 pages of documentation. Anyone who would like a copy of the CD may contact the Millstone by writing us at and delivering a blank thumbdrive or CD to the Millstone at 43 Shepherd Street, Almonte, ON. The Millstone editor will be reviewing the documents for further stories on this project. The cost of these applications to date is $365.14 as set out below. We thank your for your donations.
Applications to Ministry of Natria; Resources March 27, 2012 | 5.00 |
Appeal of Ministry of Natural Resources decision about fees | 25.00 |
Registered letter – appeal to Information Commissioner June 4, 2012 | 11.57 |
Access to Information Request – Fisheries and Oceans June 23, 2012 | 5.00 |
Registered letter – appeal to Information Commissioner re MCVA June 4, 2012 | 11.57 |
Appeal to Provincial Information Commissioner MVCA June 23, 2012 | 25.00 |
Access to Information – Ministry of Natural resources – payment of fee for release | 282.00 |
TOTAL | 365.14 |