Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists are looking for a part-time coordinator for its Young Naturalist Program. We are inviting applications from someone who has the enthusiasm, energy and skills to coordinate a once-a-month program for children. Some of the qualifications that such a person would need would be … a love, appreciation and knowledge of the natural world, some experience with kids, organizational and communication skills, experience working with volunteers, and some training in first aid. Also, a criminal reference check would be required.
More specifically, this job entails organizing and running a nature-oriented education program for kids aged 6-11, one Saturday morning per month, for 9 months ( 4 fall sessions Sept-Dec, 5 winter spring sessions Feb-June). The program has been in operation for some years now and is well established and equipped with theme unit outlines, activity ideas and materials already available.
Remuneration includes a monthly fee for each session, plus prep time and gas allowance, amounts for which are being reviewed.
Please contact Bob Smith, for further information at 613 800-1236 or 613 322-3013 or via email at bobolinks140@gmail.com.