Good Monday!
The birds are busily flitting about in a feeding frenzy. I was out on my own property again this week and was able to get quite close to a couple of American Goldfinches feeding on the thistles.
Also lately, there has been quite a bit of activity from the Pileated Woodpeckers. I love their unmistakable call. You can get to a sound wave if you click HERE.
I was surprise to see a Chickadee who posed so nicely for me and I caught a quick glimpse of a Northern Flicker in our yard. They are quite skittish so I snapped quickly and then he flew off.
I will try to get out on a hike later this week in hopes of spotting some new and interesting migratory birds as they get ready to leave.
Here’s to a great week of Feathers, wings and beaks!