Sunday, September 8, 2024
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A Clayton peach tree

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Science & NatureFor the BirdsFor the Birds: Other Winged Creatures

For the Birds: Other Winged Creatures


by Cheryl Baxter

June is here!  It’s my favourite month of the year!  I think it’s because my birthday is in June, and I am one of those people that actually LIKE my birthday.   Also, there is so much green around, and flowers are blooming in the gardens.  It’s also when we plant our Veggies and get to look forward to that wonderful harvest of fresh produce!

The wild birds are pretty established right now.  Nests are being watched over and the new ones are hatching all over the place!   I just came in a moment ago from checking on my little Chipping Sparrow.  No babies yet!

Just before the week end my yard was visited by a few Yellow Warblers.  This Warbler & their song is so beautiful!  I managed to capture one little male singing his heart out on our electrical wire.

What we do have an abundance of so far as well is, Butterflies & Dragonflies.  I really had little opportunity for bird photography this past week.  So please let me share a few of my favourite photos of Dragonflies, and Butterflies with the few bird photos I did capture.  *NEW* This morning as I was outside looking around the yard, I noticed a Clearwing Hummingbird Moth in the Lilac bushes!  Of course I snapped a shot…  (Please see below)

I hope you get a chance to get out there and see the beauty around you this week.

Thank you for stopping by!  Have a super week of feathers, wings & beaks!


Song Sparrow (My yard)
Song Sparrow
(My yard)
Not sure if this might be a juvenile Song Sparrow? It was making a strange peeping sound. (My yard)
Not sure if this might be a juvenile Song Sparrow?
It was making a strange peeping sound.
(My yard)
Yellow  Warbler  (My yard)
Yellow Warbler
(My yard)
Yellow Warbler (My yard)
Yellow Warbler
(My yard)
Mr. Red-winged Blackbird (Keeping watch as there is a nest near by- my yard)
Mr. Red-winged Blackbird
(Keeping watch as there is a nest near by- my yard)
Golden Swallowtail Butterfly (My yard)
Golden Swallowtail Butterfly
(My yard)
Golden Swallowtail Butterfly (My yard)
Golden Swallowtail Butterfly
(My yard)
Golden Dragonfly (My yard)
Golden Dragonfly
(My yard)
Golden Dragonfly (My yard)
Golden Dragonfly
(My yard)
Clearwing Hummingbird Moth (My yard)
Clearwing Hummingbird Moth
(My yard)






A Clayton peach tree

For sale: Wall mirror

2003 Honda Civic, $1,850

From the Archives