Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Penne Arrabiata

by Susan Hanna This recipe from Ina Garten...

What is that … Long Beast?

Over the centuries, the scientists who name...

Al Potvin Family Foundation donates $30,000 to local charity

The Al Potvin Family Foundation (APFF) is...
LivingGardeningGardening in Almonte: Happy April Fool’s Day

Gardening in Almonte: Happy April Fool’s Day

David Hinks

by David Hinks

While Mother Nature seems to be indulging her offbeat sense of humour at our expense this year, be assured that spring is not far off. And we can probably expect a very short spring this year as we leap from winter to summer – so don’t blink.

The indoor operations are going full speed ahead in order to be ready for our spring when it does arrive. The mesclun mix that was planted a month ago is just about ready to clip a few choice spring greens. (Better than chocolate!) They have been growing under ordinary fluorescent tubes – an inch or so between the leaves and the tubes.


The onions and leeks are growing strongly and are just about ready for another haircut.

IMG_0790 The Geraniums and Coleus are also growing well – perhaps too well – the geraniums are starting to bloom – I will pinch off the flowers as they should not be putting their energy into blooming at this stage. The coleus will also benefit from pinching out some of the growing tips that will then force the plant into a fuller bushier plant.

IMG_0791 IMG_0792 The peppers that were planted a week ago are just starting to emerge. The broccoli and, Brussels sprouts and collards were up in just a few days.


Plans for the gardening season with the Neighbourhood Tomato are shifting into high gear. Activities that have just been scheduled include:

Saturday April 12 – 9 to 11am – A seeding and transplanting workshop at the greenhouse/workshop of one of our members – I am planting seeds of vegetables such as broccoli and tomatoes in five-inch pots so that they will be ready to transplant into individual pots on April 12 – more details to follow!

May 8 & 9 – the ‘Big Dig’ at Augusta Park – we will be creating a much enlarged allotment garden and new collaborative community garden in Augusta Park – please let me know if you are able to participate ( we will be at the park from 8am to dark. We need people with shovels, hammers and enthusiasm to strip sod, make raised beds, and build a fence, shed and composters. Please let me know if you have any leads on possible donations of lumber, fencing, compost or top soil.

May 15 & every Thursday evening through the growing season 6:30 to 8:30 pm. join us at Augusta Park for a collaborative community gardening session as we share our knowledge, mentor new gardeners, weed our new garden and share some fellowship.

It is not too late to order your rain barrel! They are being sold in conjunction with the sale of trees by the Chamber of Commerce. We are still accepting pre-sale orders for a Fundraising Truckload Rain Barrel Sale scheduled for SATURDAY, APRIL 26 at the Town of Mississippi Mills Municipal Garage, 3131 Old Perth Road, Almonte, ON from 9am to noon. Rain barrels are being sold for $55 each or two for $110. All orders must be placed online in advance at or by calling Deanna at 613-256-7535 or e-mailing


A Clayton peach tree

Yard of the Week, Week 9



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