Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Naismith Men’s Shed Owl Boxes

Limited-time offer from your local Naismith Men's...

Answers to Diana’s Quiz – February 15, 2025

by Diana Filer 1.  Finland has again been...
LivingGardeningGardening in Almonte: Whither the Neighbourhood Tomato?

Gardening in Almonte: Whither the Neighbourhood Tomato?


The times they are changing for community vegetable gardens in Mississippi Mills. The main force behind community vegetable gardens in Mississippi Mills is the Neighbourhood Tomato which is a community gardening phenomenon that owes much to the support of the Mills Community Support Corporation, to the creative and promotional inspiration and perspiration of community developer Jeff Mills and to the dozens of committed volunteers in our community that toil long and hard every summer. The Tomato started in 2011 with the construction of a few raised gardening boxes at group homes and at the hospital and since that beginning has spread its tendrils to many corners of Mississippi Mills.

But now it is time for the Neighbourhood Tomato to leave the nest and try its wings (talk about mangled metaphors!). Jeff and Mills Community Support Corporation have decided that they cannot continue to commit the same level of ongoing support that they have provided over the last five years. They feel that the Neighbourhood Tomato has sufficient leadership within the organization to continue and expand its important community work as a community based organization.

A steering committee is in the midst of developing a draft governance model and will soon be calling a full meeting of all members and those interested in community gardening to develop a plan as to how we go forward.

Build a Mountain

Let me remind you of the Build a Mountain of Food campaign. Town and Country Chrysler and Lake 88.1 Radio have joined forces to support area food banks to assist in filling food bank shelves this holiday season. The Build a Mountain of Food Campaign has scheduled a food blitz day at Patrice’s Your Independent Grocer on Saturday November 7 from 9am to 4pm. Town and Country Chrysler will be on hand with Dodge Grand Caravans, asking you to Ram the Van with Food to support the growing need at our local Lanark County Food Bank. As well, Lake 88.1 Radio will be airing on-going promotional announcements and live reports from all the food blitz locations.





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