Imagine taking prenatal classes in the comfort of your home! The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit is launching a new on-line prenatal course for residents to accompany its already established in-person classes. Research says that increasing prenatal education during and before pregnancy significantly reduces anxiety and increases confidence, increases the opportunity to meet other parents to be and helps you learn more about how to have a healthy pregnancy and postpartum.
The Gift of Motherhood on-line education program is an alternative to in-person classes. It is great for:
- Moms-to-be that are on bed rest
- Couples with time constraints or scheduling conflicts
- People who prefer self-directed learning
- Individuals who want a refresher course
The 109-page interactive tutorial includes information on pregnancy, birth, and newborn care. A public health nurse can be available by phone or email (during regular business hours) to answer questions about the course content as you learn.
If you want to learn about how to have a healthy pregnancy now or in the future, the Health Unit encourages you to consider registering for these modules. Being healthy before you are pregnant is a great start to every pregnancy. The availability of this on-line prenatal program extends to grandparents, friends and support people to register. Increasing the knowledge of the people who make up the support system of a pregnant woman will optimize a healthy pregnancy.
Expectant parents are encouraged to start prenatal classes before the 20th week of pregnancy; or as early as a positive pregnancy test!
In 2011, the Health Unit surveyed parents to be and parents who had just had their babies and asked them how they would like to learn about pregnancy, labour and delivery, breastfeeding and parenting. The top two ways were in-person classes with their peers and on-line. The Health Unit set out to find, develop and offer, an evidence based and interesting on-line program.
To register for on-line prenatal class, or for more information, call the Health Action Line: 1-800-660-5853. In order to sign up for the on-line prenatal modules, registrants must live in Leeds, Grenville and Lanark counties. to try a demo of the program.