Please join us for the Home Hospice North Lanark annual general meeting on Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held via Zoom. Please send an email to to register your wish to take part. You will then be sent the Zoom invitation and an information package.
Home Hospice North Lanark was incorporated in 2013 as Hub Hospice Palliative Care, so this AGM marks our 7th year. We changed our name this year, which lead to a major update to our website and all of our literature. With the pandemic, it’s been a particularly challenging year, but we are proud of how our organization has weathered the storm and continued to deliver our services — albeit in different ways—to those in our community who need us.
The future holds promise for this community-driven initiative, which could simply not exist without the support — both financial and through volunteerism — received from the people, businesses, churches, medical organizations and service clubs in the region. Compassion, generosity and kindness are alive and well in our community!
We look forward to sharing with you what we’ve accomplished in the last year, and our vision for the future.