Saturday, September 7, 2024
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Diana’s Quiz, September 7 2024

QUESTIONS 1.  What is a bandicoot? 2.  What was...

2003 Honda Civic, $1,850

2003 Honda Civic, four-cylinder, automatic, high-mileage but...

Almonte’s Patrick Donnelly awarded Quilt of Valour

On Friday, August 30th, Major Patrick Donnelly...
LivingHealthHub Hospice forges an important health-care link

Hub Hospice forges an important health-care link

HospiceIn the ongoing discussion regarding physician assisted dying, the value of hospice care in the continuum of patient support in a dedicated hospital or hospice centre at the end of life is recognized.  However, the care of patients in their homes is often overlooked even though keeping patients out of acute care facilities for end-of-life treatment is less expensive, is less traumatic for both the patients and their families, and is what the vast majority (85%) of patients who are dying say they want.

Three years ago, the Hub Hospice was established in the North Lanark area to address the needs and desires of the terminally ill to remain in their own homes, be that a family home, a nursing home, or long-term care. Through the diligence and dedication of trained palliative volunteers, Hub Hospice is an integral part of care at end of life for many grateful clients and their families in our community.

However, because it was conceived as “a hospice without walls”, the Hub Hospice remains an overlooked health care partner for many who might be in dire need of its service. Unfortunately, many people don’t recognize that accessing the Hospice is as easy as one phone call or website visit, and does not require referral from a doctor, or from any social service agency. Within a day, our Registered Nurse will visit, provide information, arrange volunteer assistance, and in general collaborate on a plan to help ease the burden of living with a life threatening illness. Further, all of this will occur without having to leave the safe haven of home.(613-406-7020; )

When the Hub Hospice was being developed, the organizers investigated the costs of a hospice facilities, found that such facilities require a budget of more than $2 million a year, and recognized that a community of our size couldn’t be expected to raise funds on that level. After carefully studying the statistics available at the time, we opted for a more realistic approach that addressed the desires of the mainly rural community to remain at home as long as they were able. There were immediate advantages to such a plan: decreased initial cost, less pressure on our local acute care hospitals, the availability of caring volunteers who were ready to step up and help, and the most important consideration that the community at large would not be continuously badgered to keep the hospice afloat.

However, the downside of the Hub Hospice is that without an actual building or signage, visibility is minimal.  Brochures, information sessions, and a website only go so far to publicize the service. The hospice has relied on health care providers, community service workers and others to share their knowledge of what can be offered.

The Hub Hospice operates with a budget of about $60,000 annually, all of which is raised through the generosity of the community. Although the hospice has been commended for being on the cutting edge of palliative care provision, the government has been slow to hospice without walls in our area.   To raise the funds we need to continue to provide this valuable and free service within our community, we have organized two major fundraisers.

May 1, 2016 is National Hike for Hospice day and the Hub Hospice is organizing the Fourth Annual Hike at the Mill of Kintail. This event only succeeds through the efforts and interest of the full community, either through sponsorship or through taking an active part on the day of the hike.

All funds raised in our area stay in our area!


Support Hub  Hospice’s second major fundraiser by buying a tree through our Trees for Hub Hospice programme  ( Orders placed now for a wide assortment of trees will be ready for planting by early May.  Sales are already brisk and at least one species is already sold out!

Again, all funds raised stay in our area!

Hub Hospice is on a mission to promote hospice palliative care in the health-care continuum. By supporting these two initiatives the community will be helping us reach that goal.

All information about Hub Hospice, the Hike, the Tree Sale, and the services available are described on the website: .




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