As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, Stir It Up Collective and the Hub will be sponsoring a presentation by Jo-Joe Van Hooser, Equity/ Diversion/Inclusion/Indigenization Worker with the Ottawa Childrens’ Aid Society.
The presentation will be held in Almonte on Thursday, November 30, from 7:00 until 8:30 p.m at the Almonte Branch of the Mississippi Mills Public Library
The presentation will outline some of the things that the public need to know about human trafficking in urban and rural communities – what people can do to protect themselves. What are the signs that grooming is taking place in our communities? What should children and young people be learning about this issue from grade school all the way to college or university? How and what should we discuss with our children so that they can be aware of the warning signs that human trafficking might be taking place? How can our communities unite to protect themselves from this danger?
Jo-Joe is a Kanehsata:ke-Onkwehonwe-Mohawk grandmother from the Bay of Quinte Mohawks-Tyendinaga Territory, Turtle Clan, with over thirty years of experience working with Indigenous youth and families in the areas of child welfare, gangs, sex trafficking and other forms of criminal activity, as well as Missing and Murdered Indigenous people.
For more information, contact Bill Janes at