We always knew we were blessed to live in a wonderful caring community, but none more so than an evening just a few weeks ago.
My husband, Al, and I were all set to take our out-of-town guests to one of our favourite local eateries, and a few moments before we were set to leave our home, Al fell ill. Within minutes, Al was whisked off by ambulance under the careful watch of our Lanark County Paramedics. I knew Al would want our guests to carry on with our planned evening, so we insisted they go on without us for what we knew would be a fabulous meal at the Almonte Lobby Bar.
Chef Hunter and Angie greeted our guests so warmly and treated them with extra special care and of course, a magnificent meal. Meanwhile, Al received excellent care at our wonderful Almonte General Hospital.
About two hours later, I was called from the AGH Emergency Department to find one of our friends standing in the waiting room with two of our favourite Almonte Lobby Bar specialties: Mushrooms on Toast and Maple Pot de Creme — a kind and thoughtful gift from Chef Hunter and Angie.
We wish to encourage this wonderful community to continue to be a generous and caring place. What a magnificent feeling to be so wonderfully supported in our small town!
(by the way, Al is doing well)
Shirley Potvin