The partner municipalities (Lanark County, Renfrew County and Papineau Cameron) met with CP Rail on November 26th, to discuss the former rail corridor from Smiths Falls to Mattawa (187.7 miles or 302 kilometers.)
Approximately 16.3% is in Lanark County (49km/401 acres.) At that time CP rail advised that railway track materials (rails, tie plates, spikes, ties, gates, signals) are now totally cleared off from Mile 1.4 (Sturgess Road in Smiths Falls) to Mile 85.9 (Meath Hill, Renfrew).
CP Rail was asked if municipalities can trim weeds, small trees, etc, on the corridor. CP advised that this may encourage locals to trespass and leave CP open to lawsuits. The land remains private property posted as NO TREPASS. The parties discussed terms of the potential purchase. Negotiations will continue into 2015. The partner municipalities are researching various issues and will meet again in early 2015 to compare notes.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story stated, “CP Rail requested that municipalities trim weeds, small trees, etc. on the corridor as CP advised that this may encourage locals to trespass and leave CP open to lawsuits.”
This has been revised to state “CP Rail was asked if municipalities can trim weeds, small trees, etc, on the corridor. CP advised that this may encourage locals to trespass and leave CP open to lawsuits.”