Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Shut-in requests computer help

A shut-in senior in Almonte is looking...

Evolution Wellness is open on Ottawa Street

Young entrepreneur opens wellness clinic in Almonte...
NewsMissing candidates at the all candidates' meeting September 15.

Missing candidates at the all candidates' meeting September 15.

Readers of the Millstone expressed concern about the absence of two candidates at the all candidates meeting: Jack Maclaren, Conservative Party candidates and Cynthia Bredfeldt, Family Coalition Party candidate. So the Millstone contacted the candidates for an explanation. A telephone call, followed up by an e-mail wasnot answered by Jack Maclaren's office, however Cynthia Bredfeldt sent the following explanation:

"Sincere apologies for not being present at the all candidates meeting on September 15th. I had a previous engagement that I had committed to before I found out about the meeting. I did inform the organizers of the event that I could not attend. I do plan to be at the "All Candidates" meeting in Pakenham on the 29th of September. I hope to meet more of the community at that time."




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