We think it’s safe to say that Phyllis would be so very proud of her son and husband and their ongoing support of the work that meant so much to her. Phyllis Moore was a Board member, Fundraising Committee Member and dedicated promoter and champion of Home Hospice North Lanark (HHNL), until her untimely death in December of 2022.
Her son, David Moore is Branch Manager for Scotiabank in Stittsville. For three years now, he has rallied his coworkers, and raised money in support of our Hike for Home Hospice, which is then topped up by Scotiabank. For the 2023 Hike, which took place last October, his efforts were dedicated to his wonderful mother. This week he delivered a cheque in the amount of $3,000, bringing the Hike total to $82,697.48!
And it doesn’t stop there. Phyllis’s husband, Jim, who was always supportive of Phyllis’s HHNL work, and could often be seen lugging canopies to Farmer’s Markets, and pop-up tables to the Hike launch (to name just a few things), decided to match the ScotiaBank donation!
The Board thanks the Moore family on behalf of everyone in our community who receives the support they need.
Photo: Wendy O’Keefe (far right), HHNL Public Relations and Marketing Volunteer was delighted to accept Scotiabank’s generous donation from David Moore (left) and Steve Lada, Branch Manager, Carleton Place.