Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Municipal storm closures, February 13

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Penne Arrabiata

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LivingHealthObstetrical patient safety: Priority One

Obstetrical patient safety: Priority One

By Maureen MacLeod Frazer

Earlier this year the Obstetrical Team at the Almonte General Hospital received a recognition award for their work on the More OB program. Salus Global’s Managing Obstetrical Risk Efficiently (MOREOB) Program was originally developed by the Society of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of Canada and the Health Insurance Reciprocal of Canada. It is a comprehensive performance improvement program that fosters and improves a culture of patient safety in obstetrical units.

The first year of the program, Module 1, is very intensive with many chapters of reading for all the participants. This insures that all the team members, comprised of Doctors, Midwives and Nurses, have the most up to date information and recommendations for care of our Obstetrical patients. The core team provides workshops to reinforce the most important areas of learning and runs drills on emergencies that could happen.

The second year of the program, Module 2, focuses on the team dynamics, learning how to communicate effectively and work as a team. As with Module 1 there are workshops and emergency drills to strengthen our teamwork and practice the communication techniques that have been learned.

During Module 3, titled “changing the culture”, the focus is on evaluating our current practices to see if there are changes that should be made to ensure that safety is our first priority. We will be learning debriefing skills and practicing the communication skills learned in the last module. As with the other modules there will be workshops and drills.

This is the second year in a row that the team, led by Dr. Anne Oldfield, has received this award for having over 80% participation with the program.

The award was presented to the team at the training session that kicked off Module 3. Our team welcomes Dr. Bahaa Awwad, AGH’s new Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Dr. Ardelle Stauffer, OB/GYN to the core team. The other Core team members are, Maureen Mcleod Frazer, Dina Thompson, Paula Ann Lowe Gleeson, Anita Comfort, Leslie Viets, Paisley Twigge, Anne Oldfield, Heather Garnett and Melissa Forbes.

The enthusiasm of the participants for the program and the excitement of the new Chief of Obstetrics, Dr. Awwad, will make this the best year ever.

Maureen MacLeod Frazer is Manager of OBS, ER and Perioperative Services at the Almonte General Hospital.





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