Friday, January 17, 2025
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For Sale: Pacsafe EXP45 Anti-Theft Carry-on Travel Pack

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CoronavirusOnline classroom for young naturalists

Online classroom for young naturalists

As we all are accepting the realization that we must continue to physically distance ourselves from others Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists are reaching out with a way to stay connected, promote learning, and share of our awesome nature discoveries with the young (and young at heart) people in our community.

Kids at a past naturalist’s event

Patty McLaughlin, our Young Naturalist Coordinator, has created a Google classroom as one way of achieving this! She will be re-creating parts of her winter program, plus adding new materials as the spring arrives.

One small catch:

You will need a personal Google account to access the classroom. If you do not have one or want to start one for your child, it is free. There is also a Google classroom app you can download if you have a family tablet/phone and it will make adding content very easy for you.

To sign up visit:

Once logged in find the +  in the top right corner and the class code is: 2k2f6go

The classroom has a main page stream where you are welcome to post  (pictures, questions, videos, resources etc).  Patty will post here frequently as well.

In the classwork tab, you will find different resources and learning units that you can do at home to continue learning at this time. This section will also grow over time 🙂

This upcoming week I encourage you to observe buds on trees or try growing something you find in your kitchen. Intro videos and resources available in the classwork tab.

We this classroom will continue to grow over time as we add new classwork content and we all share what we are doing through pictures, videos, comments on the mainstream page.

You are welcome to pass on the class code to anyone you think will benefit!

If you have any questions, comments or content you would like to add to the classwork page please email Patty at

Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep learning!




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