The boxes are $20 each and include instructions and mounting screw nails. The bluebird boxes were constructed earlier this week by a team of Mississippi Valley Field Naturalist volunteers led by MVFN’s Conservation and Habitat Restoration Committee. Thank you to David Garcia and the large team of dedicated volunteers who gathered to assemble these houses on Monday and to those who prepared the stacks of cut materials earlier this month.
To order contact:
Al Potvin 613-256-2602 or
Cliff Bennett 613-256-5013
Many bluebird boxes built by MVFN have been installed around rural properties over the years and we hope they are helping the bluebird population and other birds.
There are many keys to long-term success with these boxes, especially location, location, location! Please refer to the Ontario Eastern Bluebird Society website at for more detailed advice.
NOTE: the MVFN bluebird boxes are based on the Peterson oval design. Studies show that the Peterson oval design is more user-friendly to the Eastern bluebird and has a lower mortality rate than other designs. The truncated conical shape of the nesting cavity reduces the requirement for nesting material; hence less energy is expended by the nester. The thick wooden back and roof acts as a thermal barrier to shield the young from temperature extremes. The oblong entrance hole is the correct dimension for bluebirds and the angled front discourages predators. The front opens for cleaning.