Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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NewsPuppets Up! festival draws thousands to town

Puppets Up! festival draws thousands to town

by Brent Eades

Pleasant temperatures and sunny skies helped draw banner crowds to town this weekend for the ninth annual Puppets Up! festival.

Puppet troupes from Canada, the US and Hungary performed on stages scattered throughout downtown, while vendors and exhibitors set up on the grounds around the post office. The highlight of each day was the parade down Mill Street, featuring both festival performers and local notables displaying their own Noreen Young caricature puppets. A newcomer this year was the popular CBC gardening columnist Ed Lawrence, who showed his newly-created puppet from the front seat of a Corvette convertible.

Photos follow:

Crowds on Mill Street
Crowds on Mill Street
Festival founder and artistic director, Noreen Young.
Ed Lawrence with his caricature puppet
Ed Lawrence with his caricature puppet
A very big bird
A very big bird
Fern Martin with her caricature puppet
Fern Martin with her caricature puppet
Baker Bob with his caricature puppet
Baker Bob with his caricature puppet
An excited young fan
An excited young fan
Face painting





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