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NewsRun for Women’s Health brings in $30,000

Run for Women’s Health brings in $30,000

More than 200 runners and walkers help celebrate AGH’s birthing centre during ninth annual Run for Women’s Health

The ninth annual Run/Walk in support of women’s health and the birthing center at the Almonte General Hospital took place Saturday morning with more than 200 walkers, runners and volunteers raising approximately $30,000.  The event, which featured three different routes: 3km, 5km and 10km, took participants through the beautiful town of Almonte near the Mississippi River and both started and finished behind the Hospital and Fairview Manor.  Some runners and walkers participated virtually between Sept. 3 – 9, and submitted their times and funds online.

“We are pleased to be the presenting partner for the Almonte General Hospital’s Run for Women’s Health in support of the Birthing Unit and women’s health,” said Carleton Place Canadian Tire co-owner Mary-Lou Vandervaart.   “We live in this community and this Birthing unit is where the next generation of our family, our team’s families, our customers’ and neighbours’ families will be born,”

“These funds will help the Foundation fund urgently needed equipment in our birthing center and in support of women’s health care,” added Event Committee Chair Julie Munro.  “Over the years, supporters of the Run have helped the Hospital to purchase ultra sound machines, fetal heart monitors, operating room lights, and a specialized baby-weigh scale.  This year’s funds will help fund Pander Warmers in Labour 1 and the OR, an Epidural Pump and several Vital Signs machines.”

New this year, the top individual fundraisers, both individual and team, were awarded the inaugural Margaret Duncan Memorial Top Fundraising Award.  A life-long resident of Mississippi Mills, Margaret was a tireless Hospital and Manor booster who participated and supported the Run last year but passed away earlier this year at the age of 94.  This year’s first recipients were Tina McLelland, who raised $2,639 and Team Country Roads, comprised of Foundation Board member Jesse Lowe, Mary-Ann Tiffany and Chris O’Connor, who collectively raised $4,058.  Members of Margaret’s family were on-hand to present the awards during the event’s closing ceremony.

Prizes were also awarded to the top two female and male finishers in all timed events.  Official times for all participants are available at:

This year’s event also features an online auction well supported by local merchants.  You can still bid on items up until Sunday, Sept. 11.  Please visit Almonte General Hospital and Fairview Manor Foundation | BiddingForGood Fundraising Auction

As well as Canadian Tire (Carleton Place), other partners who contributed to the success of the event included:  Westview Projects, Almonte Civitan Club, Orchard View by the Mississippi, Kevin Frost, Art & Helen Levi, Union 108, Kris Parsons, Joanne Beaton, Lanark Springs Water, BrokerLink Insurance, and Dock Master and Clearwater.

A recent poll conducted by Abacus Data found that almost 8 out of 10 residents of Ontario did not know that although the Ontario Government funds the operation of hospitals, the Government does not provide funding for replacement or new clinical equipment.   The AGH FVM Foundation works with the community through events and activities like the AGH Run for Women’s Health to raise the necessary funds to allow the Hospital and Manor to purchase urgently- needed medical equipment.  For more information on supporting the Hospital or Manor visit: or call 613-256-2500 ext. 2296




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