Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Naismith Men’s Shed Owl Boxes

Limited-time offer from your local Naismith Men's...

Answers to Diana’s Quiz – February 15, 2025

by Diana Filer 1.  Finland has again been...
Enerdu'Stop Enerdu' petition springs back to life

‘Stop Enerdu’ petition springs back to life


by Brent Eades

I was startled to learn that the petition I launched last year opposing the Enerdu proposal has suddenly begun drawing hundreds of new signatures — even though I’ve done nothing to promote it in recent months. It’s clear that the community remains strongly opposed to this appalling plan, and wants to have its say.

Since yesterday 567 people have signed the petition. Many of these folks arrived via Facebook, so I assume local residents have been sharing the word with friends and neighbours.

When I first created the petition the intent was to influence Environment minister Jim Bradley’s decision on the Town’s request for a ‘Part II Order’, which would have set the plan back significantly. Bradley rejected that request, but ordered Enerdu to undertake a Heritage Impact Assessment of the project. That stage is unfolding at the moment.

With the snap election only two weeks away, no further decisions will be made by the province for some time. I encourage people to continue signing the petition — once a new government is in place I will send paper copies to whomever is Premier, and to the respective ministers involved in the process.

So — tell your friends and neighbours that they still have a chance to be heard on the most serious threat to our community’s well-being in a very long time. Those of you who use Facebook and Twitter, please be sure to share the petition there.

Sign the petition

Lawn signs

I’m also thinking of having another batch of lawn signs printed, see the image above. If you’d be interested in displaying a sign on your lawn or in your window please let me know in the comment area below. The price per sign is about $20. I will keep people advised here in the Millstone.





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