Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Naismith Men’s Shed Owl Boxes

Limited-time offer from your local Naismith Men's...

Answers to Diana’s Quiz – February 15, 2025

by Diana Filer 1.  Finland has again been...
Science & NatureEnvironmentTake a simple step to curb climate change

Take a simple step to curb climate change

Like the rest of Canadians, the citizens of Lanark County and Smiths Falls watched in fear and sympathy as B.C. was first roasted, then burned, then flooded – taking more than 600 human lives, and countless lives of wildlife – all because the climate is breaking down.

Too many have felt there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

But, if you live in Lanark County, there really is something you can do. Something easy, quick, fast, and effective.

Climate Network Lanark is laser-focused on working with the County to reduce local greenhouse gas production by half by 2030. The County can achieve that goal by enacting practical, available steps – and as it does, it becomes eligible for major new funding.

The one thing needed to make that happen is you adding your voice. CNL wants you (and hundreds of people like you) to go to its website and just click:

Support a 50% Emissions Reduction Target | Climate Network Lanark

Show your love for Lanark County and do it now, or at least before Valentines Day.

That’s all you have to do. Your message will go to the members of the County Climate Action Plan Committee who are wanting to take real action but need to know the citizens are behind them.

Addressing climate change now, where we live, is about our children and their children — the next Seven Generations. It begins with setting aggressive targets.

Join CNL in sending that clear message to the County.

For further info contact Sue Brandum
or visit




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