On August 22 the Town of Mississippi Mills denied Jeff Cavanagh’s request for a building permit to begin the expansion of the Enerdu hydro plant. Signed by the Chief Building Official, the letter gives the following reasons for rejecting the application:
August 22, 2014
Jeff Cavanagh (Enerdu Power Systems Ltd.)
11 Main Street
Almonte ON KOA 1A0Dear Mr. Cavanagh:
RE: Permit Application for Hydro Powerhouse.
I received your permit application for the construction of a Hydroelectric Generation Plant. At this time the application is incomplete for the following reasons:
1. The plans submitted are not clear enough to supply the exact size of the footprint of this project. When examined it shows a different size than listed on the building permit application (exact size to be confirmed). The permit application shall be altered to show the proper size.
2. Fees cannot be calculated until the exact size of the structure to the outside dimension is supplied, and proper construction drawings are supplied that match the dimensions submitted on the application. Once completed, a permit price can be determined and paid, however this alone will not make the permit application complete.
3. Two copies of construction drawings are to be supplied for review as per Building Bylaw 14-14. Plans submitted currently do not provide enough information to issue a permit or calculate permit fees.
4. All other applicable local and provincial authorities (Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Environment, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, Mississippi Mills Heritage Committee, Ministry of Tourism, Sport and Culture) to provide approval of the project prior to any permit being issued as per requirements of the Building Code Act.
5. Site plan agreement to be approved and signed prior to any building permit being issued.
6. The Town of Mississippi currently understands that the property ownership of the river bed is currently under dispute between yourself (applicant) and the Crown. For permit issuance a letter from the Crown will be required confirming the property is owned by the applicant and a copy of the deed showing the applicant as owner shall be provided.
7. Please note that the Planning Department is currently reviewing the applicable planning documents to ascertain whether or not a Zoning Amendment would be required for this project. If you have any submissions in that regard please send your submissions to the Planner at your convenience.
The letter concludes by saying that a permit would be considered once these seven issues are addressed.