Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Answers to Diana’s Quiz – February 15, 2025

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LivingHealthTwenty-three thousand reasons to celebrate!

Twenty-three thousand reasons to celebrate!

The dedicated members of the Almonte Community Co-ordinators (The Hub/Rebound) had lots to celebrate at their Annual General Meeting on June 12, 2023. Everyone was all smiles as Almonte General Hospital Foundation Managing Director, Al Roberts, had the opportunity to thank them for their generous and ongoing support of the Hospital and Fairview Manor as he was presented with a check for $23,000.

The ACC (The Hub/Rebound) and its members have made a huge impact ensuring that quality health care is available close to the home by regularly donating in support of Almonte General Hospital and Fairview Manor. Foundation records show the group has donated over $65,000 since 2003. This latest donation will be used to support many projects at both the Hospital and Manor.

Members of ACC (The Hub/Rebound) entered into a partnership with the Hospital to purchase furnishings to the Hospital for Palliative Care.  “We at ACC (The Hub/Rebound) believe that end of life care should be compassionate and must be comfortable” said Janet Duncan, ACC President. “We are simply trying to improve furnishings in rooms for end of life care.” said Mary-Lou Souter

The gift from the ACC (The Hub/Rebound) will be used to purchase one bed frame and two recliner bed/chairs that will be used where needed within the Medical & Surgical Ward and the Rosamond Unit of the Hospital.

Almonte Community Co-ordinators (The Hub/Rebound) also made a $5,000 donation to the CT Scan campaign of the Almonte General Hospital.

“We’re proud to be part of this important initiative and proud to have Almonte Community Co-ordinators included as a donor to this project” said Janet Duncan, ACC President.  “The CT scan would benefit everyone, young and old in our community.”

Residents of Fairview Manor and their families also benefitted from the ongoing generosity of the ACC who made Christmas donations that were used to ensure that Fairview Manor Staff were able to host Christmas programs for the residents of the Manor and their families.

The donation included $3,000 that will be used to purchase much needed equipment for Fairview Manor that helps keep residents active.

The Foundation, Hospital and Manor are very appreciative for the support and generosity of the Almonte Community Co-ordinators (The Hub/Rebound).

For more information visit on the Almonte Community Co-ordinators visit

For more information on the Almonte General Hospital Foundation visit




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