Thursday, January 23, 2025
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Shut-in requests computer help

A shut-in senior in Almonte is looking...

Evolution Wellness is open on Ottawa Street

Young entrepreneur opens wellness clinic in Almonte...
ArchivesVolunteers clean up downtown

Volunteers clean up downtown

by Brent Eades

About two dozen local residents turned out on a cool and drizzly Saturday morning for this year’s ‘Pitch-In’ day in downtown Almonte.

Armed with shovels, rakes and trash bags, the volunteers cleaned up a winter’s worth of dirt, debris and — regrettably — large amounts of dog waste, especially around the gazebo by the Post Office. This area was obviously  used as a canine lavatory throughout the winter by some dog owner or owners.

Coordinated by the Town’s Tiffany MacLaren and members of the Beautification Committee, the event was judged a thorough success despite the inauspicious weather.

Harold McKay and Councillor Alex Gillis. Harold discovered a discarded lawn sign from his real estate business amongst the trash.






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