Friday, December 6, 2024
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FOR SALE: Tires from a 2006 Sportscab Ranger

Do not fit my newer 2008 Sportscab...

Art (what’s it for?)

by Heather Atkinson My late mother was a...

Greek Zucchini Fritters with Garlic Yogurt

by Susan Hanna This tasty recipe from Food...
LivingGardeningYard of the Week

Yard of the Week


This rural yard is located at 736 – 6th Concession in Cedar Hill.  Lori Ray and her husband Dan have been working on this property since they moved in many years ago.  Besides the front yard there are flower beds in the back and a vegetable garden at the side.  Dan looks after the vegetables and has a unique watering system that taps into the ground water run-off from the ditch in front of the yard.  Lori of course looks after the flowers and is an active member of the Pakenham Horticultural Society.


A Clayton peach tree

Yard of the Week, Week 9



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