Monday, November 11, 2024
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The privatization of healthcare and the Trojan Horse

I was at a protest in Almonte...

Job: Good Food for a Healthy Baby Facilitator

Position Title: Good Food for a Healthy...

John Dunn's Stories


The Greatest Game on Earth: a John Dunn story

The day after Christmas the thermometer took the deep plunge, reaching well below freezing. Since it was a holiday, though bitterly cold, townspeople remained indoors, and the streets were...

Shock Treatment: a John Dunn story

Doctor Metcalfe’s years of medical practice convinced him that man was like a horse, and his experience with both convinced him that regular habits should be the rule of...

Writing a Letter: a John Dunn story

Almonte, 21 July 2002 Dear Florence, How many years is it since you and I would be setting off for school each morning? And measuring our height against the kitchen door...

A Passion for Words: A John Dunn Story

About John Dunn One time Father Arthur Venedam came to speak to our class in school, the senior second. He'd come, Sister told us, to...

The Uncle: A John Dunn story

About John Dunn First came the Uncle. Like Ulysses, returned from the campaign against the Trojans, and the disaster of the Trojan Horse in assault,...

The Legend of ‘Sir John A’ — a John Dunn story

NOTE TO READERS: John Dunn was a well-known local historian and storyteller, born in 1919 and the son of an Almonte doctor. John passed...

The Legend of ‘Sir John A’ — a John Dunn story

A small word of information: readers will see a reference to "the slide bridge". This is the second of the two bridges which connect...

The Power of Observation: a John Dunn story

"It's as true in medicine as it is in many other occupations," my father was saying after Christmas dinner when the visitors from Pakenham...

The Genealogy of the Town of Almonte

The first European name considered as a settler at this place was David Shepherd. Of this man little is known, and what little is...

Night by the Fire: a John Dunn story

We always looked for a big tree at Christmas because the place for it in the doctor’s house was in the front hall just...

Homecoming: A John Dunn story

The words came through distantly, and with unsettling hesitancy. 'For what I have done, and for what I have failed to do.'  A catch...

Rideau Street Parable – a John Dunn Story

The idea for a night on the town came from Marie with my Monday morning porridge. Mid-August, and a night on the town. "There's...

Mac Crozier Recalls: A John Dunn Story

Among the survivors of the train wreck at the Almonte station on the night of 27th December, 1942 was a young man from Renfrew...

Neighbourhood Mathematics: A John Dunn story

That year I was deep into high school, closing in on Junior Matriculation.  All through the previous years at school mathematics had held no...

Travellin’ Men — a John Dunn story

During the scorching hot days of mid-July, 1933, the visitor in Almonte had no need to wonder at the regular pace of life in...

HARRY, M.D. — a John Dunn story

Harry took on the job to help out the township.  That's all.  He became a civil servant, Master of Debris at the township dump,...

The End of August — a John Dunn story

Norman Scheel’s father, August, came from Switzerland. He came to Almonte to work for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and found a house for...