Looking Back in Despair (Part 5)
by Theresa Peluso
So far, in this series Looking Back in Despair, I have explained how, over the last 10 years, the environmental situation in...
Looking Back in Despair (Part 4)
by Theresa Peluso
All things are bound together. All things connect.
- Chief Seattle, Duwamish
Connector of lives
Indeed, everything connects to everything else. In exploring the...
Looking Back in Despair: Ten Years of Environmental Destruction in Ontario
Air Pollution: How Much Air Is There?
by Theresa Peluso
Air is all around us, seemingly infinite, and the most precious resource...
by Theresa Peluso
"The current massive degradation of habitat and extinction of species is taking place on a catastrophically short timescale, and their effects will...
by Theresa Peluso
I couldn't abandon my discussion of carbon emissions in Mississippi Mills without considering one very important group of residents. They don't vote,...
by Theresa Peluso
In my November column it was evident, in comparing our carbon reduction initiatives with the Town of Perth's, that our municipality has...
by Theresa Peluso
Let's explore how smaller communities are addressing the problem of climate change. Cities like San Francisco, Helsinki and Ottawa, which I discussed...
by Theresa Peluso
In my last article I explained my concerns about the increasing weather-related disasters causing destruction and death to people all over the...
by Theresa Peluso
Living out here in Mississippi Mills, we probably take for granted the gift of experiencing starry nights, when billions of sparkling lights...