Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Four drawer filing cabinet

If anyone is interested and will, pick...

Green Bean and Olive Salad  

by Susan Hanna This salad from Canadian Living...

Naismith Men’s Shed Owl Boxes

Limited-time offer from your local Naismith Men's...

Federal Election 2015


All-candidates meeting in Almonte, October 8

An All Candidates Meeting will be held at the Almonte Old Town Hall (14 Bridge St.) on Thursday, October 8. The doors open at 6:30 pm with the proceedings...

We want your questions to federal candidates

The federal election will take place on October 19 with advance polls open on October 9--12. The Millstone will be sending a list of questions on the issues to...

Millstone coverage of the federal election

The federal election is set for October 19 2015. As we have done in other elections, the Millstone is creating an archive of our posts about the election, which...