From the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority:
Due to hot, dry weather, flows in rivers and streams have been slowly dropping over the past month, This has led to below-average conditions throughout the watershed for this time of year. Most of the upper lakes in the watershed are at summer target levels but evaporation could become a significant concern if current conditions persist. This is expected given what little rainfall is in current forecasts.
The MVCA is currently mobilizing the Mississippi Valley Low Water Response Team and is anticipating declaring a Level I Low Water Condition in the next week.
Residents outside the City of Ottawa are strongly urged to reduce their consumption of ground and surface water. Residents are encouraged to conserve water by capturing precipitation using rain barrels to water lawns and gardens and to avoid using pressure washers. Please check your local municipalities’ website for current water usage restrictions.
A significant rainfall over a large portion of the watershed will be required to return the watershed to normal conditions.
This Watershed Conditions Statement is valid through July 17, 2020. Additional statements will be issued when or if conditions are expected to change significantly from this outlook.
Daily water levels and flows are available on the MVCA website at http://mvc.on.ca/water-