Yoga Classes with Amelia Ah You: Fall Session for 10 weeks.
Amelia has practiced meditative movement for over four decades. She combines gentle and fluid movements that are breath-centred. These movements are influenced by Yoga, QiGong and Somatics. She encourages everybody to explore their own practice at their own level with a sense of humour, curiosity, compassion and an open heart.
Amelia’s training: YTT-200 Akhanda Yoga (Bodhi Tree Yoga), and certified to teach Yin Yoga (Bodhi Tree Yoga) and Restorative Yoga (Sudah Lundeen), and practiced TaiChi 108 form and 24 form and Qigong with Bob Robertson in Almonte.
Location: St. Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, Almonte
Class time: Friday Mornings beginning Oct 14
Fee: $110
Registration and payment of fee:
Please note: Subsidies are available through the Centre For Creative Living: