Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Municipal storm closures, February 13

The Municipality of Mississippi Mills Municipal Office...

Penne Arrabiata

by Susan Hanna This recipe from Ina Garten...

What is that … Long Beast?

Over the centuries, the scientists who name...
Your StoriesA gift of butterflies

A gift of butterflies

Something fantastic happened to me last week. While visiting the Print and Framing Shop near RBC I was waiting to have a few photos laminated. I was admiring photos framed on the other side of the shop that were for sale.

One in particular caught my attention, a small frame about 5×12 with butterflies in the picture. All had prices except this one. The owner, Carmen, came inquiring if I needed help. I said I might be interested in this picture and how much would it be; Carmen looked behind and was surprised as there was no price on it.

I said, ”It must be a sign that I should buy it.” Then I mentioned that I had lost my daughter to cancer when she was 40 and she had a special bond with butterflies. We chit-chatted a bit more together, Carmen and I empathized with each other. She looked at me and said, “I would like to offer this picture to you.”

I cried, and said that I could not accept such a gift but would make a donation to somewhere of her choice. What a wonderful experience! I just wanted to share it with our lovely community.

Lise Gibeau


Pardon My Garden



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