1. What is a bandicoot?
2. What was the Leviathan?
3. Who sculpted the statue of David in Florence, Italy?
4, How many indigenous languages are spoken in Canada?
5. How high is...
The Province of Alberta is free of rats, meaning that there is no resident population. If rats do appear, they are isolated and eradicated through proven control methods.
What area of Canada is rat-free?
What cooking staple was created in Canada?
Which country is the world's biggest oil producer?
Who were the flag bearers for Canada...
Where was St Patrick born?
Where was the board game ''crokinole'' invented?
Who is the premier of Alberta?
What is the first opera to feature a libretto...
How long is the growing season in Almonte?
Which novel did Charles Dickens never finish?
Where was the first modern day skyscraper built?
What was/is unusual about...
Of which British dynasty was Richard III the last king?
Which Canadian comedian was related to one of the co-creators of Superman?
Who was actor Tommy...
Katherine Hepburn is still the record holder Oscar winner with 4, although Meryl Streep has had the most nominations, with 17, having won 3 Oscars.
St Valentine is the patron saint of love, engaged couples, happy marriages, beekeeping, epilepsy, fainting, plague, travellers and young people.
February 14, 269, is the...
Wiarton, Ontario, is the home of the original ''Wiarton Willie".
Seth MacFarlane will host the Oscars this year.
A slash on a bowling scoresheet indicates a...
For what town is Groundhog Willie named?
Who will host this year's Academy Awards?
What does a slash on a bowling scoresheet indicate?
What does the Dewey...