Line dancing – fun – easy and beneficial
Fall is a great time to “spice-up” your exercise routine and, luckily, the line dancing season is all set to start. Mississippi Mills Recreation and Culture department is again offering the opportunity for everyone who wishes to get that extra bit of exercise. Line dancing has it all – a fun activity that all ages, all levels and both genders can enjoy together. The health benefits have a great track record as a form of exercise; it is aerobic as well as weight-bearing and, as a bonus, it offers positive brain stimulation. In addition to physical benefits (it is categorized as an aerobic and weight-bearing activity), it rolls several brain health prescriptions together – socialization, memorization and stress reduction. As little as one hour of exercise a week can help older women reduce their risk of fractures.
Although line dancing had its beginnings in country and waltz music, it has maintained its relevance by embracing a variety of different music genres such as Celtic, cha-cha, mambo, rumba, tango, and others. Unlike some other dancing where having a partner is a pre-requisite, this does not apply to line dancing.
A lot of people fear they cannot learn to dance. Dancing is like walking. Having two left feet does not exist in this dance form – all the steps have alternate moves that make it easy for everyone to learn. Classes will start with Beginner level and gradually move to include Ultra/Advanced Beginner and easy Intermediate level dances. Your first classes are designed to teach you basic steps and a series of short dance patterns put together which will help in your learning ability. Once the various steps are learned, each new dance becomes easier. Regardless of the student’s ability, everyone will have their lows and highs before they become comfortable in their dancing (even the most experienced dancers make mistakes). Consistency in attending classes is what increases learning ability. Hang in there, have a good sense of humour and have fun.
The 2023-24 season starts with the fall session beginning on October 12, the winter session on January 4 and the spring session on April 4. There are ten classes in the fall and spring sessions at $10 per class or $85 for each session if paid in advance. The winter session this year will be 12 classes ($10 per class or $100 if paid in advance). Classes are held on Thursday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. at the John Levi Community Center (registration held from 12:45 to 1:15).
Put On Your Dancin’ Shoes – Happy Dancing