Once again, the folks at Union Hall will be celebrating the coming of spring at our annual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, April 7, from 8 a.m. until noon.
We will be dishing out generous portions of pancakes, ham or sausages, baked beans and blueberries, with maple syrup (courtesy Fortune Farms), accompanied by fruit juice, tea and Equator coffee. Gluten-free option available. Prices for large and regular portions are $12 and $10 respectively. Children five and under eat for free.
This annual fundraiser is organized for the benefit of the local community. Bring the family and re-connect with your neighbours in the cozy atmosphere of this community hub and landmark.
Last year, our volunteers were overwhelmed by the turnout – approximately 350 breakfasts were served before we had to close early when supplies ran out. That’s why we have changed the format slightly – so we can manage the crowds and accommodate everyone at the time of their choosing. We are selling as many tickets as possible ahead of time through Tickets Please (www.ticketsplease.ca). Book your time slot and be sure of a seat to avoid the line-up, or worse – going home hungry!
Union Hall, a Registered Charity, is situated at 1984 Wolf Grove Road at the corner of Tatlock Road, an 8 km drive west of Almonte. The hall has been proudly owned and maintained by the local community continuously since 1857. We are grateful for financial support from the Municipality of Mississippi Mills and The Hub/Rebound.
For more information, contact Linda at camponi@storm.ca or 613-256-2277.