Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Four drawer filing cabinet

If anyone is interested and will, pick...

Green Bean and Olive Salad  

by Susan Hanna This salad from Canadian Living...

Naismith Men’s Shed Owl Boxes

Limited-time offer from your local Naismith Men's...

What is That?


What is that … Long Beast?

Over the centuries, the scientists who name the various species of wildlife sometimes have included hints about the appearance of a species both in the common and scientific names. ...

What Is That … New in 2024?

Once we pack up our cottage on White Lake and move back into town for the colder months, we review all of our cottage pictures to cull the poorer...

WIT … Spider Eating?

We love spiders for the role they play controlling insect populations and balancing nature.  We love spiders because they eat insects we do not like.  We love spiders despite...

What Is That … Pappus?

While snowshoeing across frigid expanses of glistening snow near our home, we notice the tops of dead plants protruding through the snow.  Some of...

What is that … decomposer?

Recently, as we were composting some kitchen refuse, we were reminded of the critical role played by decomposers in recycling dead organic matter.  Usually...

What Is That … Construction?

As we settle into our comfortable, warm home in town, having left our three-season cottage on White Lake for the winter, we are reminded...

What is That … Fisher?

For some reason we cannot fully explain, we like to take photos of wildlife eating, ... whatever they are eating.  This interest may have...

What Is That … Shoreline Flower?

With autumn days growing shorter and colder we thought you might be warmed and brightened by seeing the varied shapes and colours of some...

What is That … Cottage Favourite?

Our key criterion for labelling a species as one of our cottage favourites is its identifiability; that is, once we have learned to identify...

What Is That … New Species?

This year marks our 16th year cottaging at White Lake.  As with other summers at the cottage, this year we managed to photograph and...

What is That … Species at Risk?

Earlier this summer we listened to a program on LAKE 88.1 describing the efforts of the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust (MMLT) and its good...

What Is That … Frolicking Family?

We have enjoyed for many years occasional glimpses of adult red foxes and periodically have seen young foxes, termed kits, during early morning spring...

What Is That … Masterful Mimic?

We have written before about wildlife camouflage, but it seems long enough ago that we thought we could take another go at the subject,...

What Is That … on the Feathery Fern Frond?

This article looks at some of the beasties you might find resting on ferns, but first, here is a short background on ferns themselves. ...

What is That … Spring Dragon?

One of the joys of spring is being present at the cottage for the emergence of the first dragonflies … the dragons of spring. ...

What Is That … Early Bloom?

Spring is a wonderful time for watching nature re-energize at our cottage on White Lake, that is except for the emergence of blood-sucking insects. ...

What Is That … Snake?

We have friends who would not give you two cents to glimpse a snake anywhere, let alone around our cottage at White Lake.  In...