Given that the humidex will be pushing 40 again this week, this note from Almonte’s Equator Coffee Roasters seems especially timely.
As we approach the dog days of a hot and sunny summer, those of us who roast, brew, and drink coffee can’t help but notice what a trend-setting summer it’s been for the Iced Coffee/Cold Brew Movement. It seems everywhere you turn, a new bottle, can, or carton makes its debut on the market. From the big chains to the smaller indie roasteries, , a trend that doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Roasteries and cafes are not only brewing and bottling it, they’re kegging it, infusing it, and even competing with it. Heck, you can even buy it off a bicycle now.
At Equator, we’ve been big fans of cold brew for many years and our recipe has always been a hit with our customers. So this summer, we experimented with tapping the favourite summer (ok, even winter for some of us!) beverage and we have to say: there just might be something to all this hype about nitro-infused cold brew.
Despite our skepticism that our cold brew could get any better than it already is, the nitro cold brew process has produced a smoother, silkier, fuller, and tastier cup of coffee! Hard to argue with that. The frothy goodness adds (literally) a whole new texture to your coffee-drinking experience. Clearly, it has its fans: we can hardly keep ahead on the brewing cycles.
The nitrogen infusion – similar to CO2 – allows for the coffee to push through the draught system like a fountain soda or beer. But more importantly, it gives the coffee a smooth, frothy texture and creamy taste, as if milk had already been added. Something both black coffee drinkers and those who take dairy/dairy-substitute will enjoy – allergen- and calorie-free!
Cold brew is nothing new but like many things in the coffee industry, new takes on classic traditions is what keeps things interesting, fun, and hopefully, delicious! For our part, we’re thrilled with the outcome of this summer’s experiment in nitro cold brew and can’t wait to see where it will go next.
So hurry up – before the summer disappears! – and stop by our Almonte cafe to try of our nitro cold brew!
Get into the “Back to School(BOX)” spirit: For every cup of nitro coffee sold in the first week of September, we’ll donate $1 directly to the Equator School-build with SchoolBOX this November!
451-A Ottawa Street
Almonte, Ontario
Phone: 613-256-5960